Tuesday, January 17, 2012

We've been busy!

Another weekend has come and gone and we're a little bit closer to moving in!

This weekend's projects included:
  • shovelling snow off the driveway and sidewalks (!!!)
  • painting our bedroom (pictures of the new color coming soon)
  • painting the entryway (it's the same color as before, just cleaner)
  • installing a programmable thermostat (15 minute installation? Yeah right. Jared persevered, though.)
  • installing the pull-out trash and recycling cans in the cabinet
  • installing our new pendant lights in the kitchen (another headache for Jared, but they look so much better than the ugly lights before!)
  • putting some insulation above the garage space and getting a rough estimate of how much more insulation we'll need for the rest of the house
    We over-estimated for the garage, but haven't bought insulation for the rest of the house yet!
  • spray painting the ugly ceiling HVAC grates white (they're still drying, but here's the before)
  • working on getting the last two bedrooms ready to paint
  • cleaning out the entry-way closets (I found a bathing suit and goggles, and a really awesome blue marble, among other items... and lots of spiderwebs.)
We're hopefully getting the carpets in the bedrooms cleaned this week so we can start setting up our bedroom. Our new washer and dryer get delivered on Friday! Slowly, but surely, we'll be able to move in! February 1 is our target date, since that's when our first payment is due (and it just seems rude to have to pay on it and not live there)!

What kinds of projects were you working on this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Wow....you two are doing such a great job!!!! Your place is going to look so nice!!!
